No Medical Insurance

No Medical Insurance

Disaster can strike when you do not have Medical Insurance. Do your medical bills grow before your very eyes? How do you pay these escalating medical bills when you can't afford it?

Disaster can strike when you do not have medical insurance for yourself or your family.

Do you think people do not have medical insurance because they don't want it? Do you think it is frivolous?

-What happens when you:

  • (1) Lose Your Job

  • (2) Get Sick

  • (3) Relocate---.

When you need to make a decision on spending money on medical insurance or food for your family---food wins hands down---. If you are a full time employee and you lose your job---generally you lose your medical coverage also.

This is the time to ask your past employer what is my options for continuing my medical insurance. Cobra can be purchased for a higher premium and for a short time only. It is a stop gap measure only until you next full - time employment.

When people work part time they don't qualify for medical insurance through their employment. Your employer isn't dumb. PART TIME EMPLOYMENT FOR THEIR EMPLOYEES MEANS NO MEDICAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS OF THEIR POCKETS. This means you still do not have medical insurance for yourself and your family.


You might qualify for Medi-cal or County Medical Services (CMS.) 
These are the only two government funded agencies that can help you. You are screened by income and the amount of money you have in the bank.--- If you as an adult do not qualify for these agencies,---your children might.


Children have an easier time qualifying for government assisted programs. There are several programs available for children depending on their special needs.


If you qualify for one of these agencies do not think that filling out one form is all you do. You have to show up for your scheduled appointment and bring the proper paper work with you. ---Otherwise, your claim will be denied---.

Medical Insurance is obtained by full - employment or by purchasing it yourself through a private insurance company which is fine for the people that can afford the huge premiums.


When you apply for Medical Insurance you may be denied because of a pre-existing condition. This simply means, you have medical problems already and the Medical Insurance Company will not cover you for these problems.


Discount cards are available through private insurance companies. Let me explain. You still pay a monthly fee but not as much as your typical medical insurance monthly premium. When you go to a doctor or pharmacy you get a cash discount. The only catch is,---you have to pay for your doctor's visit at the time of the visit---.

You have to be careful when applying for this discount card, just like everything else it could rip you off. So do your homework. These are becoming very popular.


These are medical facilities that take care of minor problems. Anything serious would be referred to a hospital emergency room. 
You will have to pay for your medical visit at the time of service.


There is a new source of vital information at our finger tips, by calling 211. If this new number is established in your area, one phone call can hook you up to massive information. The people that answer this phone number gives out important everyday useful information.

Example: What is the phone number to Med-cal? I do not have any medical insurance and my child is sick, what do I do? Where can I go to get help for my child? Is there any free clinics available?

These people have all that information and more at their fingertips.


When you need medical care the Emergency Room is where most people head. When you get to the Emergency Room you can wait hours to be examined by a doctor. When you are finally examined, the doctor may request lab tests, x-rays etc. These tests can escalate into hundreds even thousands of dollars. What about emergency surgery? What about being a patient in the hospital a few days or longer? The medical bills will start pouring in!


Medicine is sky high. When you don't have Medical Insurance you have to pay the full amount or go without your medicine.

This is not a simple problem. We are talking millions of people in this situation. ---There has to be a solution---.

The Medical Insurance Companies do not want to change. The Pharmaceutical Companies do not want to change.

---We the individual's must take the first step to change the way medicine is obtained for everybody in this country not just a few! We as individuals need to write our Congressmen to wake up our local, state representatives and federal representatives.

We Need Change In Our Medical Insurance Program. WE WANT MEDICAL CARE FOR EVERYBODY. NOT JUST A FEW.

If you have medical insurance and still have to pay check out my article listed below:

Horrifying! Medical Bills! When You Have Medical Insurance/Fight Back.

Please feel free to read all my other articles. I love to hear from you. Just leave a comment on this article.

Copyright 2005 Linda E. Meckler

Linda is the author of her first published book, "Ghost Kids Trilogy." Christy, 12 and her brother Brad, 16 move into an old house on top of a mountain and meet 2 Ghost Kids.

Then we meet the magical Blue Vase.

Follow Christy and Brad on a very exciting Pirates' Treasure Hunt. Love and Family Values burst off the pages. []

Check out my 4 E books - How To Appeal Medical Bills - Appeal and Collection Letters for Medical Providers - Boost Your Self Esteem and Blossom - Computers Cause Pain. []

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